====== Rules in the conference psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru ====== ===== Conference Topics ===== Here discusses the work of cross-platform XMPP client **[[main|Psi+]]**. It is strongly recommended before you ask a question, read the **[[main|help]]**, as well as to read **[[faq|FAQ]]**. __**Note**__: If you are looking for tech support, you **MUST** open for psi-dev@conference.jabber.ru as the true version of the client, and version of the operating system. Failure to do so is punishable by kick. ===== Conference FAQ ===== * {{:faq.png|}} [[faq|FAQ]] - Frequently asked questions about installing, configuring and working with Psi+ under various operating systems. ===== Allowed ===== * Discussion of everything associated with the Psi+ and [[http://psi-im.org/|Psi IM]] . * Talk about XMPP. ===== Languages spoken at the conference ===== * Russian * English ===== Prohibited ===== * Ribaldry * Advertisement * Insult the participants and holy war about different operating systems * CAPS LOCK in the body message * Presence flooding * Empty flame (argufy) * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaschenism|Kaschenism]] * Discussion of awards from the moderators * Participate in the mailing of superviruses ===== Offtopic ===== All that is not prohibited and not allowed - Offtopic. Politics moderators on Offtopic is subjective. ===== Awards from the moderators ===== Prohibited actions, depending on the severity will be awarded: * Verbal warning * Deprivation of the right to vote (visitor) * Kick * Ban