Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about installing, configuring and working with Psi+ under various operating systems.
Answer 1: Step by step Psi/Psi+ setup guide with screenshots here/resource unavailable/.
Answer 2: The installer archive contains all the necessary files for Psi+, but the zip archive – *ONLY* contains the psi-plus.exe file.
Answer 3: To display clients icons in the roster, do the following:
Answer 4: To get Psi+ working in portable mode, you have several options:
Answer 5: Yes, using Qt 4.5.0 after you exit the application process remains “hanging”. It's recommended that to upgrade your Qt version to 4.5.1 or above.
Answer 6: Instructions for building Psi+ under MS Windows (32 bit) are here.
Answer 7: The latest version of the Russian localization for Psi/Psi+ is here.
Answer 8: Animated smileys can be used in a test version of Psi+ WebKit. In other Psi+ versions, as well as in the Psi official version, animation support is not implemented.
First of all your music player must support one of these technologies as follows:
If it doesn't supports then:
Answer 9.1: Instructions for configuring publications listen tracks from foobar2000 in Psi+ are here .
Answer 9.2: Instructions for Songbird (by KukuRuzo).
Answer 9.3: For qomp you can enable tunetofile plugin and set path to tune file in player settings
Answer 9.4: If your music player supports the necessary features, and there is no broadcast, open the Psi+ Settings → entry Status → there PEP tab and activate the desired music controller
Answer 10: For example:
Answer 11: To activate the spell checker you should:
For official builds:
For personal builds by KukuRuzo:
Answer 12: Create a text file mucskipautojoin.txt in the directory that contains PsiData for the current Psi+ profile and write the JIDs in it of the conferences which should be skipped for autojoining by Psi+.
Answer 14: To do this you need to update the Qt library. Make it possible to add /etc/apt/sources.list the following lines:
deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free deb-src lenny-backports main contrib non-free
Then save the file and execute the following commands:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -t lenny-backports install libqt4-core
To prevent the automatic update from these repositories you need to add to /etc/apt/preferences the following lines:
Package: * Pin: release a=stable Pin-Priority: 600
Answer: We are recommended to use the Extended Options Plugin and at Conference tab you must to enable the similar option (See the screenshot below):
ATTENTION!!! This information is obsolete but can help in some extraordinary cases!
Answer: Usually sufficient default account settings. If you have previously configured your account with specified host (For example,, you must delete the HOST entry and reconnect to the Google server.
This way:
Or this way:
Answer: An example of command for installing the current version of Psi+ with all plugins and two languages (EN, RU):
psi-plus-1.5.1646.0-x64-setup.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /LANG=russian /COMPONENTS="*plugins,Dicts\ru_RU,Dicts\en_US"
Answer: Add -platform xcb argument to the program start command
Or create a local startup file Psi +:
cp /usr/share/applications/psi-plus.desktop ~ /.local/share/applications/
open the file ~/.local/share/applications/psi-plus.desktop with a text editor and fix the exec line:
Exec = psi-plus %U
Exec = psi-plus -platform xcb %U
Check Cinnamon's window manager settings. There is an option preventing focus stealing and it definitely work in version 4.2.4 of Cinnamon. You have earlier version the setting may absent or do not work. Essentially it looks like a Cinnamon bug since they rise a window even on methods supposed to just flash the task bar.