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Table of Contents
Psi+ on Fedora Linux
Psi+ Build Instructions
Installing required packages for build
$yum install gcc gcc-c++ libgcc qt-devel -y
Installation of GIT utility for download Psi source code
$yum install git -y
Create a folder for building process
$mkdir ~/psi-dev
Downloading the source code from the Psi GIT repository
$cd ~/psi-dev $git clone git:// psi $cd psi $git submodule init $git submodule update $git pull $git submodule update
Applying Patches
$cd ~/psi-dev $svn co $cp ~/psi-dev/patches/*diff ~/psi-dev/psi $cd ~/psi-dev/psi $cat *.diff|patch -p1
Assigning revision number
(Except in the version information will be Psi +
$pkgrel=`svnversion "home/$USER/psi-dev/patches"` $cd src $sed "s/\(.xxx\)/.${pkgrel}/" -i "applicationinfo.cpp"
Compiling source code and configuration
$cd ~/psi-dev/psi $qconf $./configure --enable-plugins --enable-qtwebkit
Build options
- –enable-plugins - plugins support
- –enable-qtwebkit - support for animated emoticons
Type this for see all other options:
$./configure --help
If the configuration is successful then in the end we see:
Good, your configure finished. Now run /usr/bin/gmake.
If it so then proceed to the compilation.
If the compilation done without errors then proceed to install.
$su -c ' make install'
Installing additional components
Emoticons and iconsets for Psi+
- At the installation stage:
$cd ~/psi-dev/psi $svn co --force iconsets
- After installation:
$cd /usr/share/psi/ $svn co --force iconsets
If the iconsets does not appear then copy the /usr/local/share/psi/ .
Psi+ Plugins
Before the build plugin you must comply with paragraphs 1-5 of the basic instructions and at the same time fulfill:
$mkdir /usr/share/psi/plugins
Then download the source code of plugin (look at the example of Stop Spam Plugin):
$cd ~/psi-dev/psi/src/plugins/generic/ $svn co $cd stopspamplugin/ $qmake-qt4 $make $cp lib*.so /usr/share/psi/plugins/
Note: Do not forget to add the option – enable-plugins before build.
If the plugin does not appear in Psi+ then run the following command:
$cp lib*.so /usr/local/share/psi/plugins/
Russian localization
$cd /usr/share/psi $wget $wget
If you need to install Russian localization only for myself then put the files in ~/.psi, instead /usr/…
Скрипт автоматической сборки Psi+ с иконками и смайлами
#!/bin/sh mkdir ~/psi-dev cd ~/psi-dev git clone git:// cd psi git submodule init git submodule update git pull git submodule update cd ~/psi-dev svn co cp ~/psi-dev/patches/*diff ~/psi-dev/psi cd ~/psi-dev/psi cat *.diff|patch -p1 pkgrel=`svnversion "home/$USER/psi-dev/patches"` cd src sed "s/\(.xxx\)/.${pkgrel}/" -i "applicationinfo.cpp" cd .. svn co --force iconsets ./configure make make install