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Building the Psi+ on Mac OS X "from scratch" (the bare system)

What is needed?

OS X 64-bit.

To build the application in the system must be installed:

  • Qt 4.7.x 32-bit/64-bit x86 universal
  • Xcode
  • git


Download Qt sources, extract, then at terminal go to qt sources folder and do commands:

curl -o 4.8.2_mac_10.5.diff
patch -p1 < 4.8.2_mac_10.5.diff

./configure -release -arch x86 -arch x86_64 -sdk /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
sudo make install

Download script for automate Psi+ compilling:

curl -o psibuild

Set QTDIR variable like this: QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2 Run script:

QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2 sh psibuild

Also you can add next line to your ~/.profile file:

export QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.2

and restart terminal.

The script downloads all the dependences necessary for Psi+ and makes a package. The working directory ~/psi will be created in which you can fined psi-plus-xxxx.dmg

For manual dependences compilling run script with -b key:

sudo mkdir /psidepsbase
sudo chmod 777 /psidepsbase
sh psibuild -b

Thus in an automatic mode downloads all necessary dependences (find them is possible in a /psidepsbase folder)

For compilling Psi+ with webkit use -w key:

sh psibuild -w

For inclusion in a package translations files it is possible to set variable TRANSLATIONS in which through a blank specify necessary languages:

TRANSLATIONS="ru de" sh psibuild

For inclusion of all available languages use –with-translations key:

sh psibuild --with-translations

For OTR-Plugin compilling use –with-devplugins key:

sh psibuild --with-devplugins

Keys of a script can be combined:

sh psibuild --with-devplugins --with-translations -w -b
en/mac_osx.1349429059.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/05 09:24 (external edit)

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