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Psi+ on Meego Linux

Psi + Building on Meego (on the bare system)

What may be needed and how to build?

Install packages to build Psi+. This packages are installed once at the first build:

yum install gcc gcc-c++ libgcc qt-devel git subversion patch make -y

Remove previous build for “clean” build:

cd ~
rm -rf psi

Download the Psi source and submodules from git:

git clone git://
cd psi
git submodule update --init

The resulting directory can be saved and then run the commands in this directory get the latest version of Psi:

git pull
git submodule update

Download all the patches and applies them to the source code of Psi:

cd ~
svn co psi
cd psi
cat *.diff|patch -p1

Download the iconsets and write current revision to the Psi version:

svn export --force iconsets/system/default
sed "s/\(xxx\)/${rev}/" -i src/applicationinfo.cpp

Compile Psi+ and install (root privileges needed to install):

qconf && ./configure --enable-plugins && make && sudo make install

Note! If you not installed qconf, you can be independently download it from the official site and build.

If the command ./configure get the qtcore error then we write:

qmake-qt4 --version

Look at the path and run ./configure with the option:

./configure --qtdir=<path>

Most likely it will be:

./configure --qtdir=/usr/bin


If you need to install additional emoticons, iconsets, moods and/or Russian localization then do the following:

Smileys, moods and other iconsets

cd /usr/local/share/psi
rm -rf iconsets
svn co iconsets

Previous operation is done once at the first building. Further it will be enough to do:

cd /usr/local/share/psi/iconsets
svn up

Russian localization

cd /usr/local/share
svn co psi

Previous operation is done once at the first building. Further it will be enough to do:

cd /usr/local/share/psi
svn up

Compile and install Psi+ Plugins

Consider the example Gmail Notification Plugin:

cd ~/psi/src/plugins/generic
svn co gmailnotifyplugin
cd gmailnotifyplugin
mkdir /usr/local/share/psi/plugins
cp /usr/local/share/psi/plugins


Enjoy ;-)

en/meego.1284064200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/10/17 15:36 (external edit)

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