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Psi+ Wiki Main Page

An overview of the Psi+ Wiki.

About Psi+

In 2009 a Psi fork named Psi+ was started. Project purpose are: implementation of new features, writing of patches and plugins for transferring them to upstream. As of 2017 the most of active Psi+ developers have become official Psi developers, but Psi+ still has a number of unique features. From developers point of view Psi+ is just a development branch of Psi IM client which is hosted at separate git repositories and for which rolling release development model is used.

More information about the Psi+ specific features can be found here.


The most frequently asked questions and their answers can be found here


The Psi+ Forum for discussion of various aspects of Psi+ and other related issues to the Project.


Compilation instructions for various operating systems (outdated)

Configuring Psi+

psi-appearance.png Qt Styles Configuring Qt styles (colors/fonts/window decoration)
psi-appearance.png CSS for Psi+ Configuring CSS styles in Psi+ (colors/fonts/window decoration)

Additional information

psi-groupchat.png Conference Rules Rules in the conference
psi-pack.png RPM Build HOWTO How to create RPM package
icon_infobox.png Packagement Rules Rules for naming of created packages/distributions for downloads
psi-patches.png Psi+ Patches Description of Psi+ patches
psi-call.png Psimedia Audio and video calls (Psimedia)
Jingle bots Bots for testing audio/video calls
psi-call.png Psimedia+ on MS Windows Instructions for patching and building of Psimedia+
psi-plugins.png Psi+ Plugins Plugins for Psi+
icon_news_new.png Psi+ WebKit Psi+ WebKit version (UNSTABLE)
icon_stop.pngPsi+ Build Errors Psi+ build errors


If you want to support the development of the Psi+ Project, you can make a small donation to one of the these accounts.

psi-browse.png View the FULL LIST of Wiki pages via a standard interface.

en/main.1518563814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/13 23:16 by tehnick

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